Air Force: Aim High. Kiss my soon-to-be-unemployed ass.

So, to those who do not know this, I presently work as a government contractor, in the public affairs/journalism arena, for the Air Force.
I italicized "presently" because I won't be working there after 5 December.
This is NOT of my own doing. While I kind of hate my job, and have been looking for another one on and off for quite some time, I did not want to leave by 5 December.
I wanted to leave on my own terms, with another fucking job lined up.
But now, despite the fact that my articles have just been published in some of the top military publications (in fact, I just had an article featured this week in THE top Department of Defense publication), and I have been distinguished as "a crucial member of the public affairs team" by the number-one public affairs officer in the entire Air Force, and have received an award for my "insightful investigational journalism skills," I am conveniently being released from my contract.
You see, the Air Force just doesn't have the money.
It has money to spend on people who snooze on the job, who don't show up to work, who are assholes for lack of a better term and who don't care about the product they put out.
It has money to spend on completely useless and outdated programs, which are constantly failing every time they are tested.
It has money to spend on people who already make far too much money in their paychecks every week, by awarding them raises for poor performance.
But it no longer has the money to spend on people who actually give a shit about the product they research for hours/days/months and proudly put their name on.
It no longer has the money to give to offices who go above and beyond the call of duty to work hard to provide a very popular governmental publication that has been heralded by senior leadership for its informative genius. Instead, the Air Force cuts the funding for these offices whose people actually don't sleep on the job, aren't complete and utter shitheads, and do good things for the country.
The Air Force is filled to the brim with asshole generals who make terrible decisions based on politics. That means you too, Rooney.
Thanks for the kick in the ass for all the hard work I've done over the past couple of years.
Aim high?
I hope someone AIMS an airplane HIGH up your ass.
I know, Lana. It's crazy. They're letting people go left and right. A crapload of secretaries just got canned, and force-shaping efforts eliminated thousands of lieutenants and captains.
And yet, every single day, I see so much money wasted of useless shit. Makes me insane.
I'd love to be a professional humor blogger. Holy shit. What a perfect job that would be.
I know this sucks, but it might be the opportunity you've been waiting for to get out of a job you don't really love and find something you enjoy more. Best of luck.
You are young and seem to have a good head on your shoulders. You will do fine.
Doug is right, you have an oppourtunity here. Like Monty Python once sang, always look on the bright side of life. This could be a blessing : )
Thanks guys. I'm still pretty pissed about it, but I'm trying to make light of the whole situation. This place sucks anyway, so I'm surely not losing out on much. I'm sure it will be a blessing in just caught me by surprise a bit. I'm adjusting to the thought now...
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