Asian Zombies.
I am going through a rather long bout of insomnia. Insomnia, especialy in weeks-long-at-a-time doses, is pretty rare for me. I really like to sleep. I think I actually might have a problem because I like to sleep so much. I get a little paranoid about that sometimes, thinking I have some God-awful disease when in reality there's likely nothing wrong with me.
So, as you can well imagine, this insomnia is absolutely awful for me, since I REALLY enjoy sleep. And let me inform all of you who do not already know this: if I do not get at least 7 hours of sleep per night, within a couple of days I get extremely bitchy. And I've been in a bad mood anyway for the past several weeks, so being bitchy from lack of sleep on top of that is dangerous for the world. Very dangerous.
For example, yesterday morning, I lost track of time and was late to work. I'm on fucking Main St. in downtown Lowell which is an absolute atrocity because someone in a damn enormous disgusting van always parks next to the Portuguese breakfast place on the right side of the road and screws up traffic. So, a road that's only about a mile long, from my entrance point to the bridge, takes about 25 minutes to get through. Annoying enough, until a Red Taurus comes barrelling down one of the side roads and, without stopping, thinks he can instantly cut in front of me--barely missing what would have been a pretty nasty crash.
Now, I fully admit I'm not the most patient driver. But then and there I aboslutely lost it. I know I swear a lot, but I spewed out language that even shocked ME in retrospect a few minutes after the fact. I gave both fingers numerous times (considering I was in back of him for a couple of blocks), opened my windows, cursed some more (like that terrible word that rhymes with 'blocksucker' ). When he smiled a mischievous smile at me as he passed me, I went even more crazy and followed him for a few more blocks even though it was not on my usual route to work. I hated him so much that if he had died right there in front of me, I might of laughed. And that may sound harsh, but if you had been there and lacking in the sleep department for a week and a half, you would have been thinking the very same thing. Trust me.
I get to work about 25 minutes late (thankfully my boss was in a meeting and didn't notice), still semi-insane from my drive in. I have a ridiculous story to work on. Maybe it's just ridiculous to me because I'm tired and I find anything that has to do with the Air Force boring, but still--I don't want to do it. I want to focus on fuming for the rest of the day because maybe fuming will leave me exhausted enough to sleep that night.
But alas--it needs to be done for the next day. So, I gather my information and my quotes (which takes hours because you can never reach people when you actually NEED to) and my lovely boss decides he doesn't like one of my quotes. He thinks I made up the information in the quotes. This pisses me off to no end because believe me--I'm not smart enough to make up this information. So, because I'm apeshit at this point, I decide to go to the individual from which I received the quote and the subsequent information, make her locate this information in print form, print it out and throw it on my boss's desk, only to hear him exclaim, "Oh, I haven't heard of that program before. Guess you didn't make it up, huh? Haha!" I glare at him, wordless, and walk out of his office, deal with the finishing touches of my article and he decides he finally likes it enough for print.
I hated him yesterday.
So, it takes me another hour and a half to get home because of the traffic and I decide I want some Taco Bell. Fuck it. I know it's not good for me but I want it. I deserve Taco Bell today. I pick up my Taco Bell, take it home and find it's the wrong order and it's actually some flat chicken thing that tastes like ass. Lovely. But I eat it anyway because I'm starving from not eating lunch and would actually eat ass at this point. And my father walks in and asks me why I'm eating "that crap." I glare at him and he backs off.
I watch "All My Children" with a glass of wine and a quarter of one of my Mom's Ambien and finally head off to bed at 10-ish. I fall asleep eventually (it was after 1, though), only to dream of Asian zombies coming after me. Real restful. I wake up at 3:40 a.m and start this bullshit all over again...
Welcome to my life--zombies and all.

If it's any consolation, most nutritionists consider Taco Bell to be the healthiest of the fast food joints. Mmmm . . . tacos.
Lana--BLOCKsucker. LOL!
Nope, I exercise about 4 days a week for an hour and a half a day. Stalking people sounds fun, though.
Doug, I typically don't eat Taco Bell and I probably shouldn't have eaten it last night, but I was hungry. I feel a little guilty about it now, though...
I'll get over it.
Now, now...that's not very nice. :)
Girl, I hear ya. I'm so OCD it's ridiculous. I wash my hands like it's my full-time job.
I don't swing this way, but I think we should just get married. I'd let you sleep with men if you'll let me sleep with men, too.
Ha! :)
My word of the day was "snhdents."
could it be the hoodia?
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