PB and Fluff.

So, nothing really uber-exciting has happened this past week. This is the reason for my not writing. I really have very little substance-wise to write about now, actually--but I feel the need to update this thing for one reason or another.
I have two phone interviews for jobs in Boston. I'm not thrilled that the companies which decided to contact me are in the city, because it's a bitch of a commute from southern NH to Boston every morning. Route 93 is a goddamned nightmare, unless you manage to get on the road before 4:30 every morning.
And since y'all already know I love sleep so much, that ain't happenin'.
But I'm at least going to hear what they have to say. You never know--there may be some sort of work-at-home-a-couple-of-days-a-week option, which would be great. Or, if they have a flex-time option, that may work, too.
My neighbor across the street let me know of the position located in Cambridge (just outside of the city on the Somerville line). It sounds pretty decent, but involves some level of recruiting, which typically means that the position will involve a mediocre salary with a commission draw. Many recruiting-types of positions work that way. I wouldn't mind recruiting so much if it just offered me a decent salary. But the concept of commissions scare me. There's something about not having a definite amount in my paycheck every two weeks that gives me the creeps. I want to know what to expect. But we'll see; it may be one of those positions that offers salary only, because only one portion of it is recruiting.
The other position is with a PR firm downtown. After hearing that I would be unemployed in about a month, I simply sent my resume out to every company I could find within a 30 mile radius. So, I saw an opening on Craigslist (where else?) for a PR Strategist position that required 5-7 years of experience. I knew I didn't have a snowball's chance in Hell, but I submitted it anyway, along with a writing sample. Lo and behold--I get a phone call from the firm and they want to hear more about me. Part of me is excited that a company was interested in hearing from a candidate with only 2 years experience in the full-time work world. But after noticing that the e-mails from the executive assistant were sent at 9:17 pm on Friday and 5:49 pm on Sunday, I'm quite apprehensive.
You see, I will work my butt off during the week (provided I am given work to do). I'll work the typical 8-4/8-5 schedule no problem and have no issues staying late on occasion during the week for a special project. However, I don't care if this position offers me 100k per year (which won't happen), I will not take anything that requires me to stay late every damn Friday and work on weekends.
So, if the executive assistant works these insane hours, I'm worried that they will require me to do similiarly. Not interested. Sorry for wanting a life. I'm just not into working 70-90 hours a week for ANY pay. The day my work takes over my entire life will be the day I put a bullet into my head.
But for right now, I AM excited that I'm already getting callbacks. It makes me feel a little better about my employment situation. I'm still worried sick, but hey--that's just my unreasonable self.
Other than that, I've been somewhat boring. Hung out with Jeff Friday night, which was fun. But honestly, the remainder of the weekend was pretty dull. I'm trying to prepare myself for unemployment (whether is becomes a reality or not) by spending as little as possible. So I stayed in much of the weekend, or did cheap or free things when I DID go out. I went for a couple of walks, visited the kitties at the shelter, wrote some poetry, and read a lot--in addition to looking for gainful employment, of course. I love wind, and the windy weather here really exhilerated me. I actually went for a walk in the wind and pouring rain. I came back completely drenched, but it was fun and it helped me to clear my head.
I must have looked like a fucking lunatic out on the road talking a leisurely stroll, though.
Last night I went to go have some Indian food with Tim. I haven't seen him in like, forever, and I figured I could splurge a little since I've been so good with my spending lately. Besides, from the outside, the place looked like a dive--and again, it's Indian food--so I figured it would be relatively inexpensive.
We walk in and the place is beautiful. Nicely decorated, waiters with napkins folded over their arms, etc. I instantly think to myself, "Shit. This place is gonna cost me some bank." We sit down and I'm right. The last thing I want to do was spend $13.95 on some Chicken Mikhni (or whatever the fuck it's called), but I didn't want to look cheap, so I sucked it up and dealt with it. It was okay, but certainly not worth $13.95. More like $3.95--which is what I was EXPECTING TO PAY IN THE FIRST PLACE!
So....I'll be enjoying peanut butter and fluff sandwiches for lunch all week. Yay.
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