Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Life's pretty boring for Karen lately. Usually I can let y'all know of something exciting that's going on, but as of recent, I got nuttin'. I can't and don't particularly want to spend any money and more often than not, fun and exciting things require some amount of money to fund them.

A little good news: the chances are looking pretty good that my contract will be extended until March. I know--it's only March--but it at least gives me time to be a little pickier about what kind of job I choose. It's nice to know I don't have to desperately accept the first place that'll have me.

I'm going to be seeing the Borat movie with Jeff on Thursday. I'm excited about that because I've heard nothing but good things about it. Apparently, it's an extremely hilarious and ridiculously politically UNcorrect movie. I like that very much. :)

As for tonight, I received some coupons in the mail for the Limited a couple of weeks ago, so I'm doing a little shopping with the girls at my favorite store. AND I have a $100 gift certificate I received last Christmas, thanks to my ex-boyfriend's parents (we broke up not two weeks later--oh well!), so I'm sure I'll be using that as well. And I still need to vote. Ugh. I hate voting. But it's my "civic duty" (my boss gave me a lecture about that this morning when I told him how much I hated voting), so I guess I need to do it. Besides, the last fucking thing Pelham needs is a new high school. Goddamned building was only built in the 70s! Like hell am I going to let you take more of my money, you money-grows-on-trees-mentality-loving bastards! (Truly, though...Pelham sucks. I can't wait to leave in a few months).


So, that's it for now. Take care.


At 10:35 AM , Blogger BLAZER PROPHET said...

You SHOULD vote. Voting is a tremendous privilage. Then, when things go wrong, we can all gang up on you and tell you how lousy a voter you are.

At 10:41 AM , Blogger BLAZER PROPHET said...


I went to your 'My Space' page and you like roasted eggplant on pizza??? I had to puke in my waste basket immediately.

Look, sweetie, take a tip from an old man. Wanna catch a cute guy? With money? Enjoys kissing? Drop the roasted eggplant thing from your pizza. Start thinking canadian bacon.

Roasted eggplant, for pete sake. Kids today.

At 11:21 AM , Blogger Karen the Great said...

Blazer! Have you ever TRIED it?!?! Roasted eggplant is wonderful! It's probably one of the most wodnerful foods on this planet!

I heart eggplant so much.

And I like canadian bacon, too (in fact, I like anything canadian)...but not on pizza.

At 4:46 PM , Blogger BLAZER PROPHET said...

OK, Karen, if you want to marry Lana, keep up with the eggplant. Look, REAL men hate eggplant and quiche.

At 11:31 PM , Blogger Sun Wu Kung said...

Sorry. Well cooked eggplant is one of the world's greatest pleasures. Grilled and blackened? Fuck, that's good.

I actually ate a "Tuscan" tonight from Sorrano's in Acton -- that's peppers, tomatoes, and EGGPLANT.

Real men eat quiche if it's well made. Only pansies go around worrying about doing things that make them feel like real men ;-)

At 11:37 PM , Blogger Sun Wu Kung said...

BTW, bp are you Howard? If so, go eat some quiche, man. It's good for you. Put some bacon and pepporoni in it if you have to.

At 8:37 AM , Blogger Karen the Great said...

Yeah, I'd marry Lana if I swung that way. She'd probably treat me better than most of the men I've dated! LOL!

Amen, Doug! Quiche and Eggplant are awesome!

And quiche lorraine HAS bacon in it!!!

At 10:11 AM , Blogger BLAZER PROPHET said...

Doug, No, I'm not Howard. Actually, my name is Bob. And I don't care what anyine may say, REAL men don't touch eggplant or quiche.

As for me, tonight I'm grilling some teriyaki chicken with basmati rice and some sort of vegy. Add in a good NBA game and I'm all set.

At 10:41 AM , Blogger Sun Wu Kung said...

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At 10:56 AM , Blogger Karen the Great said...

Now I'm hungry.

At 12:50 PM , Blogger BLAZER PROPHET said...

Marry her Doug!

You may never get an offer like this again. She swears, she has tatoos... In fact, rumor has it she's loaded. YOU CAN RETIRE and play on the internet for the rest of your life.

Gee, a match made in a blog.

At 4:07 PM , Blogger Sun Wu Kung said...

I would marry Lana, but there's only one problem. She's Russian.

At 4:58 PM , Blogger BLAZER PROPHET said...

She's a BABE! I'd marry her, but I'm already married to a woman who hates eggplant and let's me watch sports on TV once in a while.

At 8:46 PM , Blogger Sun Wu Kung said...

Lana would probably let me watch sports. That's certainly a plus. But still . . . she would probably make the babies wear giant fur hats and drink vodka from a bottle. No matter who they are what they look like one would be nicknamed The Russian Bear and the other The Russian Rocket.

And that's not cool.

At 11:54 PM , Blogger Sun Wu Kung said...

You would make the children eat pickled herring and sing songs to them about pickled herring.

At 8:53 AM , Blogger Karen the Great said...

Okay, this has been the most RANDOM string of posts/responses to this blog posting! LOL!

I love it! :)

At 10:08 AM , Blogger BLAZER PROPHET said...

[sigh] Oh Lana, Lana... Well, comrade, I guess it's just not in the srats for "us".

Do you mind if I print out your picture and scotch tape it to my computer at work?

At 3:45 PM , Blogger BLAZER PROPHET said...

I did it! I taped it right besdie the picture of my dog. But for some reason, all the guys are hangin' ay my cube checkin' out my dog photo. Or are they...........

Lana, I suspect they're checking out your photo.

I think.

At 6:17 PM , Blogger BLAZER PROPHET said...

Oh, he's a real sweetheart. He's a lab retreiver. He's brown with white feet, while tip of tail and a white snout that trails up to his forehead where it makes a circle. He's a true pretty boy. I take him to the oregon coast and as my wife goes into the store I put the tailgate down and as I sit there he dangles his feet over the edge and winks at women waslking by. They are instantly smitten, but leave when I ask for their phone numbers.

At 9:58 AM , Blogger BLAZER PROPHET said...

Or both.


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