
I'm tellin' ya, kids...you just haven't lived until you've seen that at 7:45 a.m.
That is all.
Labels: poodle
I've had a continuous dream for years. I'm standing in front of a crowd which promptly starts throwing tomatoes at me. I gather the tomatoes, only to whip them back at the crowd...Random? Indeed. But life is about random adventures. I think tomato-throwing is symbolic of life: life dishes out all of its difficulties, and all anyone can do is deal with it and dish it right back. So, this is my life. What's left of it.
Labels: poodle
I had to go to the Nashua Memorial Emergency Room on Monday night/Tuesday morning. Before you begin to wonder, I'm writing this right now so I assure you I didn't die.
Labels: emergency room, ER, hospital, Nashua
Listen. This post is going to sound harsh but I don’t give a shit. It needs to be said.
Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are assholes.
There. I said it.
They are “imitation reverends.” These are not men of God. They are racists. They are hypocrites to the very CORE. They are trouble-makers. And I am SO FUCKING SICK of hearing them open their mouths.
Anyone who knows me knows I am not racist. Not anywhere close. I have Black friends, Mexican friends, White friends, Jewish friends, gay friends and other friends of many other races, ethnicities, religions and sexual preferences. And I love all of them dearly. I would take a bullet for anyone I consider a friend.
Basically, if you’re a decent human being, you could be purple with green hair and I just plain wouldn’t give a shit. One’s race, religion, gender or sexual preference has zero bearing on whether you have the potential to be liked by yours truly.
That also needed to be said. Don’t want people thinking I’m racist, you know. I’m a Caucasian and nowadays, we have to do all we can to protect our reputations or we’ll be accused forever and ever of being the worst kind of people. Just wanted to be clear.
So, I may not be racist. But you know what? I AM prejudiced. And I’m not afraid to say it.
I’m prejudiced against assholes like the “reverends” Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson using the race card every friggin’ chance they get.
Cut it the fuck out already!
If ANYTHING, African-Americans and some other minorities get considerably more rights than Caucasians do nowadays. Let me ask you: is there a United Caucasian College Fund? Nope—that’s racist, silly. But it’s fine for Blacks to have a United Negro College Fund. How about a WET TV station (White Entertainment Television)?
You know what? Scratch that. Sounds like a new porn channel. But you catch my drift. African-Americans have BET and that’s perfectly fine.
You want things equal, Mr. Sharpton and Mr. Jackson? You REALLY want things on a level playing field?
Well, if that’s the case, then tell the hundred of Black rap artists out there to stop using the word ‘nigger’ every three seconds in their lyrics.
Tell the Black community to stop using the same term everyday when addressing each other in the streets. Words like ‘nigger’ are NOT part of your “culture,” so quit justifying it as such.
Back people like Bill Cosby, who, while hardly a saint himself, at least has the common sense to see what is wrong with many members of the Black community and speak out against it.
Encourage Blacks to work hard throughout their lives to achieve good things instead of encouraging them to fight for the welfare check they apparently “deserve” from society because they were too lazy to do anything with their lives.
Stop trying to limit the vocabulary of Caucasians. It is fine for the Black community to say certain words, but not for the White community? Please. Equality means that all races have the same rights. Not that I have any desire to say the word ‘nigger’ in my everyday speech, but if you have the right to say it, then I should, too. If it's a supposed "derogatory term," it needs to be derogatory for EVERYONE.
Concentrate on issues that are actually problems within the Black community: Black-on-Black crime, unmarried mothers/wedlock births, high poverty rates, statistically low rates of Blacks continuing their education, etc. instead of stupid shit like Don Imus calling Black women “nappy-headed hos.”
Quit being so damn hypocritical by speaking out against hatred and informing people of how awful people like Don Imus are and then calling the Jewish community “hymies” or defending women who cry ‘rape’ and destroy the lives of young men who committed no such crime.
APOLOGIZE when you do something so incredibly wrong as tell the aforementioned young men—innocent, relatively upstanding students--how horrible they are when it has now been PROVEN that they were FALSELY ACCUSED of raping this woman.
Stop coming to the defense of women like this woman, Tawana Brawley. She is NOT mentally challenged. She is NOT emotionally challenged. You know what she is? She is a lying whore who has changed the lives of these poor kids forever—and NOT for the better. She should be in jail; she should not have a ‘scholarship fund’ set up for her as you so indicated. That's harsh but I don't give a fuck. I'm sick of political correctness.
And shut the fuck up about Don Imus already. I don’t like the guy and don’t really give a shit about him in particular. But at least he made the attempt to apologize and do the right thing in trying to meet with the people he insulted to make things right. What have YOU done to apologize to those former Duke students for publicly humiliating them despite their obvious innocence? What attempt have YOU done to make things right with them and with the millions of Caucasians (and other ethnicities) you have insulted worldwide with your idiotic remarks?
You have done NOTHING. You have done nothing but CREATE tension amongst the different ethnicities/races/religions throughout the world. And what’s worse is that you thrive and PROFIT from it. Yes, you actually make truckloads of money with your spew. You know why?
Because you are scum. And I truly believe that there is a special place in Hell for hypocritical, trouble-making bastards like you.
Labels: Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson