Jesus hates me. But there's a silver lining.
So, yeah...I know I said I'd try to keep up with this thing, but isn't working. However, since there are still a few people who read this, I figured I'd do a quick update.
So, that great guy I mentioned a couple of blogs ago? Yeah, biggest asshole of them all. Unbelievable. Long story short, turns out the 35 year old man was still in love with his high school girlfriend. Yep, you read that correctly. He found out in November she was getting a divorce, started to get distant so I would have to do the dirty work eventually of breaking up with him, and then finally confessed to it. So, he strung me along the entire time. It's nice to know you're a placeholder until the woman you haven't even seen in ten years finally becomes available again. I was VERY pleased, let me tell ya.
I should just join the lesbian club or the convent now. Save myself any future heartache.
Anyway, good to know I wasted 7 months loving someone--yet again. I don't know how many times I can keep giving 110% and not getting anything back from a guy. Oh, well. I'm sure it'll happen many more times.
Oh, and I have been recently diagnosed with a form of cancer. But don't worry (if you even were)--it's bad, but not that bad. I'll just need a little surgery and I should be fine. But I'll be out of commission for a few days at least, so that sucks. But--could be worse. Fortunately, I've been assured I'm not going to die from it. And fortunately, I don't have to get anything terrible like chemotherapy or something. So, there are two pluses, I guess.
I got another job, so I'm no longer working at the shitty oil company. Yes, folks--instead, I'm back at Hanscom. Lucky me. But since the money is almost double what I was making before, I can deal with it a lot easier. It also involves my having a lot of responsibility, which I've found that I actually like. I've been pretty bored at my previous jobs--perhaps you can tell this from old posts. And the people I work with are really, really nice, so I can't complain too much. Did I mention the money is excellent? :)
Oh, and I finally have a real estate agent and am looking at condos. I really like one in Nashua that is fully furnished and completely awesome. 2 bed, 2 bath and everything is brand spankin' new. So, I think once I get my mortgage stuff squared away and find the best rate I can, I'll put in an offer for it.
So, that's it. That's my life. What's left of it. Aside from the cool, new job, Jesus really, really hates me. But I'm learning to live with that. And I'm at least trying to have a sense of humor about it.