Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Getting drunk with your co-workers...

You know what's fun?

Getting drunk with your co-workers.

Yeah, it's a good time.

Yesterday, the five of us went into the city to have our annual booze-fest...ahem, holiday party. I thought it would be awkward having drinks and food with my co-workers because it's been kind of lame in previous years.

Not this year. You know why? We all got absolutely loaded.

We stopped at my boss' favorite bar in downtown crossing for a couple of cocktails, which was enough to get me pretty happy. But to top it all off, we then went to the North End to pick up some kinda-crappy Italian grub and shitty chianti. Keep in mind, I'm not a fan of most red wine varieties and I probably like chianti the least. However, everyone else wanted it, so we ordered three bottles of it to be split between us. Yeah, $250 later...

One of my co-workers was slurring her words, one mentioned how he thought this ugly guy on base and my Mom had an affair and I am their "love child" (WTF?), one was extremely huggy, I was absolutely toasted, and my boss just kicked back and laughed at it all. He made us then walk an extremely long distance so we'd be sober enough to get on the right train and fortunately, he was at my stop so he made sure I was OK. After driving for a minute and discovering that I was not quite sober yet, I drove to the nearest parking lot (Medford Kohl's) and napped in my car for a half-hour to make sure I wasn't a complete mess.

All in all, an excellent time. We need to celebrate every holiday like that.


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