Friday, December 01, 2006

White hair.

White hair makes me sick.

I should clarify.

White hair on OTHER people doesn't make me sick.

White hair on ME, at age 24, makes me want to throw up.

I started noticing a white hair here and there in my senior year of high school. I'd pull it out, sigh a little, and press on.

But now it's out of control. There's too many to pull. I'm starting to notice them on a regular basis now. It's not as if my whole head is covered in them by any means, but I shouldn't have ANY at my age. It's just not right.

And it makes me sad.

People will be super nice when I ask if they notice them. They insist that they don't. It would almost be convincing if white wasn't such a drastic contrast to very-dark-brown. But I'm afraid I'm just not that colorblind and I don't think everyone else is, either.

My hair stylist notices them, but is at least kind enough to call them "highlights." Bless her heart.

I've been coloring my hair for years now because I wanted to. Now, I realize I must color it now because I have to. Sigh.


At 12:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't that the truth? It was tres chic to highlight when it was MY idea, but now that my hair has made it a requirement, I'm sorely tempted to rebel.

On the bright side, I have never noticed any white hairs on your glorious head. Your hairs all appear appropriately shiny and dark. Do not dispair. Or throw up. Your sexy appearance is safe for a good many years.

At 10:28 AM , Blogger Karen the Great said...

Kate! Just because I color my hair doesn't mean I'm so old I'm going to DIE!



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