What would you do for a Klondike Bar?

It's been kind of a boring week here at work so far. I mean, the jackhammering's gone and so I've actually accomplished some work, but it's lame-ass administrative crap that's been dumped on me because other people refuse to do it. Just kidding. It's actually part of my job description. I don't mind it, though...I only have to devote a few days per month to it, so it's not that bad.
I also did some online shopping. Online shopping kind of kills me a little bit inside because I know that if I shopped around a little more, I could end up spending less. Not that the prices on Amazon.com and Barnes and Noble.com are BAD per se, I'm just into finding the best deal possible for the same product. That way, I can spend what I intended to spend and then go and buy more for the person I'm shopping for.
But this year, for some reason, whenever I go out shopping for something I'd like in particular, the store is out of stock. So, I've had it. At this point, I'd rather pay a little more for the lack of aggravation.
I used to love shopping. Now? Eh. Not so much.
So, I forgot to take my Hoodia today and as a result, I'd eating everything in sight. But you know what tasted ESPECIALLY good today? The Klondike bars I took, for me and the remainder of the office, from the asswipe General's freezer. My bosses got a good laugh out of that one.
As did I.
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